Thursday, May 6, 2010

Protecting our kids during the summer months!

The intense heat we all have been experiencing the past weeks have taken its toll on most of us, not to mention the increase in energy consumption due to the use of our airconditioning more than 8 hours a day just to keep us and our kids cool this summer months. But keeping ourselves cool is not the only problem we face right now butl but  we also have to contend with summer diseases that thrive during these months such as sore eyes, measles, flu, and dengue.  Babies and toddlers are the most vulnerable to these germs and bacteria going around since their immune systems isnt that developed yet. That's why parents must give the necessary protection for their kids, and proper hygiene is one simple and effective way to ward off these bacteria.

Use of high quality wipes has been an effective way to keep my kids clean most of the time. Not those kind of low quality wipes that you normally buy in tiangges or wet markets where most have been tested and found positive for harmful bacteria such as E. Choli, candido albigans and S. Aureus which causes complications such as skin irritation, eczema, severe diarrhea, stomach cramps and urinary tract infections. Not to mention the awful smell it emanates once you've opened the packaging.  You might have saved a few pesos in buying these kind of wipes, but spend a few hundreds or thousand of pesos for medicine.

One brand of wipes that is safe to use is the Pigeon Baby Wipes. The brand has attested that their products has gone through an extensive micobiological testing to ensure that the wipes are free from fungi and bacteria that can cause skin irritation and discomfort.  It also has chamomile oil which acts as an excellent natural skin cleansing agent and ensures that its option pH5.0 level retains your skin the overall moisture balance. It also provides that cooling effect your child needs during these hot months!
For kids still bottle fed, we always have to ensure that the bottles are well cleaned and sterilized to ensure proper hygiene. One product that is harsh to the bacteria but not to the bottle is the Pigeon Liquid Cleanser. This not only cleans the feeding bottles but it can also safe for  washing fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables as well by remoing those agricultural chemicals producers has been using in our food. It's also safe in sanitizing toys and other baby and toddler's accessories to protect them from these summer borne germs!
Let our kids enjoy the summer months, but at the same time let's equip them with the proper protection against germs by using high quality products such as those from Pigeon.

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